
OCT 10 期指,期權

原帖由 KM88 於 2010-10-6 18:52 發表
瑞信 恒指牛熊證街貨分佈圖
Thank you very much.


trading on US Future

Hi kevin4c:

If you serious about trading US index, please open real future account , don't use those Black Market account, as black market account will usually tell you 1:400 leverage ability but you are usually losing on the spread advantage and when you lose money you are really quick....

For example: black market broker requires USD50 to trade a S & P contract (it usually did not indicate if you are trading on mini or big contract...I guess they are the host of the game and that's why they usually have large spread), your blackmarket usually don't earn trading commission but the spread gains. Sometime when the market move aganist your black market broker, you will notice the trading price DONT move along... or move later.. to compensate their lost.!! it is not a fair game!

For real future, it will be exactly same as the requirement stated in CME website: where you will need around 5K USD as deposit (not actually 5K but you can find out from CME website), and the spread is exactly from the CME exchange itself. Your broker just earn your commission only.

A lot of brokers in HK has provided US Future trading services. have a search online. Sorry I cannot name who are the blackmarket or real market broker here. Text me if you want to know more information. I know MT Sir also provides Oversea Future trading services.

Hi Happy_88, thank you for your comment, i will do research on Nasdaq also but I won't trade Nasdaq because the participants in emini S & P future is a lot, and very active. It gives me room to enter and exit very easily.

Tonight has no action as just came back from foot massage but looks like US market is a bit tired.... but HK market seems to be relatively stronger than US market.

DayChart - still strong
hour - need to take a small break
15m - if broken BB middle line should go down further
i think can try to buy 'small bet' at low for tomorrow market.. hopefully can buy at 15m bb low (must do risk management to cut lost ah...)

US emini s & P
Day chart - still strong
hour - need to digest the recent up force
15 min - trending down

above do not serve as buy/sell recommendation, it is purely for academic discussion

[ 本帖最後由 jkmchew 於 2010-10-6 22:51 編輯 ]


Hi Timothy

Do you know long call is equal to short call?

If a contract being long for 20 contracts, then someone/or a group of people must have shorted 20 contracts of call.....
But I also notice there are a lot of contracts traded for Dec 24400, 24000 call. could be the hedging of who had short call on 23000 dec... i don't know, just my foolish guess.

There is someone named as hftsang, he is also a full time option trader, it is a waste if he did not share his opinion with us here. long time i didn't see him here... Lofu hing, did you notice?
原帖由 hktimothyip 於 2010-10-6 17:28 發表
再看一下10月的認沽期權,D人好似執錢咁執,20800樓下的狂Short PUT!另一方面期指的未平倉合約有成111373張,看來十月的模式應該同九月差不多了,又是單邊大升市,原來2010年12月23000Long CALL有成1萬2千多張未平倉合約~ ...


原帖由 hktimothyip 於 2010-10-6 17:27 發表
Hi hktimothyip hing,

Thanks for sharing. 好高興今晚係堂上認識你, 日後請多多指教.



再补充:如果今晚美期拉锯完,e-mini S & P - 15m有条件在升。。。这样对比之下,港期还未升完(当然值博率逐渐减少。应该以注码控制风险。。)



Good morning all


Morning to all.


原帖由 jkmchew 於 6-10-2010 10:56 PM 發表
Hi Timothy

Do you know long call is equal to short call?

If a contract being long for 20 contracts, then someone/or a group of people must have shorted 20 contracts of call.....
But I also notice th ...
Yes, it seems that hftsang hing has gone.

BTW, good morning all

[ 本帖最後由 lofu 於 2010-10-7 09:46 編輯 ]
小心分析, 明白凶險, 謹慎出"激", 嚴止賺蝕, 祝君好運, 秒秒平安!


Morning All

